
Tuesday 12 March 2013

My College Moto.

It's small, it's slow but it dosen't matter,
 it's stealthy, responsible and it's like a mini sized assassinator.
  It's calm, it's wise and it can't drown.
He's made like a mini beast made from the other side of the heaven seas, you can try squash it, but he'll bite you like nothing at all, if you're smart enough you'll keep walking along.
A crab is my college moto, the college I'm going to.
This is what my whole poem was about, my favourite animal so don't doubt.
The crab is on a mission, full synchronisation, so if you're his enemy keep waiting....


Unknown said...

Great juicy words Anthony. You sound excited about going to college in Tonga.

Abdurrahman said...

Hi Anthony,
I like your poem of juicy words about your collage moto. You should be a poet because you write like one. Your picture looks good too. I like how you used capital letters, fullstops and commas. My favourite part is the part where it says 'The crab is on a mission, full synchronisation, so if you're his enemy keep waiting.' Do you know what is written on the banner and what it means?


Anthony said...

Yes Aburraham,
the words on the banner mean "Tonga's Strength-hold is its Heart."

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